Welcome John O’Brien, Cobalt Enthusiast

Please welcome John O’Brien, our newest sign-up member of MyCobalt.net. John wrote me this note last week and with his permisson, I am posting it here. Welcome aboard John and we look forward to seeing pictures of your new 302!

Hi… I am a 63 yr old “Philadelpia lawyer” (wait! don’t delete me yet.) who has had a Cobalt 282 for the last four years. I have to admit to being a “boat junkie”. I owned my first boat at the age of 15 (an MFG 16′ w/ 40 HP Johnson). My latest new boat ( a March ’08 delivery of a 302- loaded) will be my 14th boat. I’ve been thru—not in chronological order—Sea Ray (42′), Albemarle(31′), Tiara (31′) ,Whaler ( 28′), Intrepid (31) and others. My “sickness” is fairly evident by now, correct? Irrespective of that record of ownership, I finally matured sufficiently enough to recognize and stick with a boat manufacturer that I truly enjoyed and which was the “right boat at the right time” for me, my family (6 total),my boating habits on Cape Cod—specifically, transiting from my marina in Falmouth to Woods Hole,or Buzzards Bay, or thru the Canal, very frequently to Martha’s Vineyard (a 9 nm trip from my marina) and fairly often to Nantucket with various visiting friends from Philly who, sadly, have only the “Jersey Shore” as a basis of comparison. The Cobalt 282 was fun, a great performer, BUT–as a bowrider– not the ideal boat to return from Nantucket in at twilight (it blows pretty hard out of the west/southwest around that time and “wet” is a consistent penance for having a borderline vessel for that trip.)

Thus it is that I have a 302 (again, a bowrider…they’re unbeatable party boats)…BUT … this model has a foot more beam, a 3′ increase in LOA, and a lot heavier hull plus twin 425 HP Merc counterprops; a newly designed Garmin hardtop on ss arch, a Garmin GPS/RADAR in dash w/ 24″Hi-Def Radome, ICOM VHF w DSC, remote spot & hailer on top, underwater stern light…if I missed anything, could you please let me know! Obviously this boat will hopefully be my last for quite awhile…maybe it’ll be part of my “estate” , ya’ never can tell !

Despite all these boats over all the years (as well as a long time “six-pack license” ) I still look forward to learning more about Cobalts from other owners regardless of the model they own. I also look forward to the sharing of info from other “Cobalters” which can only come from owning and driving a Cobalt.

John F. O’Brien, III


  1. michael March 8, 2008
  2. john March 9, 2008
  3. Craig March 24, 2008
  4. Mike D'Anna April 10, 2008
  5. Robert April 22, 2008
  6. Robert April 25, 2008
  7. David Mason May 2, 2008
  8. john May 6, 2008
  9. Arnie May 16, 2008
  10. Kendall May 16, 2008
  11. sofia June 9, 2008
  12. Jeff August 8, 2008
  13. Float200 July 21, 2009
    • Frank July 28, 2009
  14. Float200 July 22, 2009
  15. Andy July 29, 2009
    • Float200 August 3, 2009
  16. Float200 August 12, 2009
    • Float200 August 24, 2009
      • Float200 August 31, 2009