Cobalt 232: Popular Boat!

The Cobalt 232 has been a popular boat as you can see by the number of posts on  Your Editor-In-Chief is begging for a ride in one of these handsome 232’s!  

Cobalt Boats says:  “There are those who would ask too much of the Cobalt 232. Typically lacking the inhibitions that lifelong careers in banking bring along, these well-meaning owners impose on their 232’s a daunting set of requirements: a perfect wake every run, fuel efficiency that belies the horsepower under the hood, comfortable come-one-come-all accommodation for a dozen friends, bedrock stability in the ride, nuanced control at the helm, and an all-around boatly attitude suggesting that indeed all things are possible. Maybe it’s not too much to want after all.

Take a lingering look at the 232. What you see is obviously what you get: a hot rod ready to sit smiling at anchor, making everyone feel wonderfully cared for as the Garden Club plays pinochle in a glassine cove.”

Base MSRP: $59,244